Focus on the home sperm test
The sperm test kit is for men who are considering having children. This sperm test can be done at home without the intervention of a health professional, just like a pregnancy test and an ovulation test. The home sperm test comes in the form of a direct reading stick. When dipped in the cup containing the sperm and the appropriate solution, it indicates by a marker whether the sperm concentration is sufficient to conceive. Some men undergo a vasectomy to prevent pregnancy. In general, a sperm test after vasectomy is recommended to confirm whether or not the operation was successful. The purpose of this medical examination is to evaluate the quality of the sperm. Specifically, it analyzes the various parameters of the sperm fluid, including the concentration of sperm and the number of live or dead cells.
How effective are home sperm tests?
The results of the home sperm test are rated by the manufacturers as 98{2a0d113abb06132cecf0fe2b5c7cebdb933217b62a5229241237278a0bba388b} effective because the test only assesses the concentration of sperm in the sample taken. However, concentration is not everything in terms of fertility, as the liveliness, tone and mobility of the reproductive cells is also a factor in infertility. In order …